Authentic Team Building

  • “We sent four of our Client Service Controllers to Adventure Base Camps. This unique experience created a bond among our four members in four days that would ordinarily take four years or longer if even ever. Our team members work remotely, and this experience created a teamwork dynamic that was impossible to achieve otherwise. With hard work and dedication, Jeff and his team has created a brilliant experience that is valuable beyond estimation…priceless.”
    Ann M. Vickers, CPA
    President and CEO
    Charles River CFO, Inc.

Step into a world where connection isn’t confined to conference rooms or virtual screens, but rather thrives amidst the untamed beauty of the great outdoors. Welcome to Adventure Base Camps, your guide to nature based human connections and bonding.

In a time when technology has woven us together yet left us yearning for genuine interaction, Adventure Base Camps emerges as a beacon of camaraderie. 

This isn’t just team building; it’s soul-building. It’s about forging connections on your terms, in an environment where competition gives way to collaboration and judgment is replaced with a new understanding.

Picture a realm where the boardroom backdrop is replaced with sprawling landscapes. Adventure Base Camps crafts an oasis of non-competitive, judgment-free zones, where individuals and teams from across the United States gather to redefine connection. Here, personal authenticity reigns supreme. Stripped of facades, participants find themselves unburdened, allowing relationships to flourish in a way that only genuine vulnerability can permit.

But there’s a twist, an accelerant for these connections – the exhilaration of adventure. From heart-pounding activities to mind-bending challenges, Adventure Base Camps stimulate both body and mind. 

Research tells us that shared experiences fuel bonding, and here, that truth manifests in safe and exciting adventures. Unique destinations and cool basecamp accommodations provide the backdrop for authentic connections. 

So, whether you’re an individual seeking kindred spirits, a team longing for synergy, or a CEO yearning to infuse authenticity into your workforce, Adventure Base Camps awaits. It’s more than an experience; it’s a transformation. Embark on a journey that will redefine the way you connect, leaving you not just with memories of breathtaking adventures, but with bonds that endure. Welcome to Adventure Base Camps – where human connection thrives, and authenticity ignites a new era of collaboration. Our experiences are alcohol free.

Testimonials that speak volumes:

“Amazing adventures with incredible people, and proud to call them good friends! The time recharging and connecting at our base camp was as meaningful as the time spent on the trail. Thanks so much for including me in ABC!”

“This week was amazing. I feel calmer, happier, more energized. 

Reminded me how much I love the mountains. It felt great to dig deep emotionally with the group, get support from the group and give support to the group. I’d love to do it again.”

“All activities were expertly led. How am I feeling? Like I have new best friends. I feel like my inner circle grew a bit – which is big for me.  Thank you for having the vision to put this together.”

“ABC is designed to bring us back into the moment, to re-calibrate, increase our self-awareness and connect with amazing people while challenging ourselves physically.”

“This experience brought into focus the importance of tending to personal alignment daily and living a congruent life to be able to access joy and my true potential.”

The ABC Experience:
On our adventures, and during our daily team meetings, we introduce optional storytelling and team connection exercises which enhance the organic human connection experience, and this is what sets us apart from other adventure travel opportunities. At our basecamp there is no judgment and we do not compete; we do not discuss politics and we don’t propose a right or wrong way to think or act.
At our basecamp, the goal for all of us is to simply be ourselves, and to practice letting our true energy flow. The quality of the experience comes from within each of us, and this represents the true magic to the ABC formula. All of our adventure experiences are drug & alcohol free. Safety is our top priority and we encourage everyone on our teams to feel empowered to control their own destiny. Everything is optional at ABC.
Participation in the ABC experience requires physical training and a willingness to show-up to the adventure as your true self. At ABC, we appreciate the value of setting goals and recognize that the physical and mental challenges of these adventurous activities and thought-provoking exercises are essential to creating rewarding, organic human connections for every member of the team.